Bilqis Fazel
Level One Boxing Coach
My name is Bilqis Fazel, and I have been at MJKO boxing since I was 11 years old. This year will be six years since I joined the program. Since joining, I have met some of the most amazing people in my life; the coaches, the students, and volunteers have been positive influences, and the people I would go to for advice when I need it the most. I volunteer and work now more than I box, but I still try to get in a workout whenever I have the time and energy. During the Emergency Food Support program, I would volunteer on Saturdays, and I have met some of my closest friends to date, as well as gained lifelong skills such as initiative, leadership, and organization. I also was a part of the Snail Mail Sisters Program, which allowed me to make international friends. In my personal life, I love to go out to eat, spend time with my family and friends, and read. My favorite book that I am reading now is called Heartless by Marrisa Meyer. I am currently in the International Baccalaureate Program, which is a program in school that is always intense, but knowing I have boxing as a safe space to come to whenever I need to destress is always a relief. Boxing has helped me in so many aspects of my life, and I hope as a coach I can be a positive influence in someone’s life.