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Testimonials: MJKO Alumni

“You have certain values that you were taught while being at MJKO. It leaves an imprint that you take with you. It doesn’t matter where you go – you spread it without actually really trying to – it just comes naturally. So I definitely consider  myself a community champion because if there’s any way that I can help out in an event or [help] a person or group I love to do it. I love helping people and that’s something I learned at MJKO.” 

- MJKO Alumni

Testimonials: MJKO Study

Participants indicated the power of sport was its ability to connect people. For example, one participant shared, sports are great because I met every one of my friends at MJKO… without sports I wouldn’t be the person I am today.” Another participant shared, I think sports are great because it brings people together as one. It also makes people healthier. It’s just a fun thing to do.” Another youth shared, I think sport is great because it allows people to be both social and keep fit/be active.” And, “boxing is great because we get to not only learn new techniques but we also meet new people and get motivated.”  


Perhaps the best summary is a quote from this youth participant: I wish people knew that MJKO isn’t just boxing – it’s opportunities.

Testimonials: TPS Officer

"MJKO is one of the biggest after-school programs that we participate in. Miranda - I mean, we've seen her work [and] it's definitely working. The things she does - it's phenomenal. The kids all respect her, and these are the kids that don't like police. They don't have respect for authority. But I see the same kids go to Miranda's class, and they're totally different kids. So, we participate, and those kids are starting to open up to us too. I guess using sports is one of the biggest ways to influence them, right. So, it's working really well for us too. That's why we really appreciate the partnership with MJKO"

- Toronto Police Services Officer

Testimonials: TDSB Principal

“Activities that many of our kids – they look forward to it. They build connections – they’re enjoying [them] – they’re active – they’re learning. It motivates many of our kids. They’re very excited by the program and they want to be in school that day. They’re actively involved, so there’s physical activity. With the [MJKO] leaders there are really good connections. [They’re] just good role models. The fact that MJKO brings in the police officers too – those are other solid connections and strong role models – adult role models. Those value pieces along with the physical activity, I mean, if they’re not with us at that after-school program often they’re just by themselves in the park or they’re at home watching TV. So I think it’s a fantastic program.”

-Toronto District School Board principal

Testimonials: Girls Only Participant

“Sports are great because I meet every one of my friends at MJKO...[and] without sports I wouldn't be the person I am today.”

-MJKO Girls-Only Participant

Mentoring Juniors Kids Organization

MJKO is a charitable organization. Our vision is to build Community Champions.