It’s GivingTuesday! Let’s make Toronto a better place!
91 and counting is how one Toronto youth describes the current violence in our city. #GivingTuesday
He fled the ongoing civil war in Yemen and is now working with MJKO. His sole purpose: keeping our athletes safe, walking through the streets of South Parkdale.
MJKO Boxing receives Canada Post Community Foundation grant for their Parkdale Safewalk program making the community safer and more child-friendly.
Exclusive look into life at MJKO!
It is often said that for youth living in certain communities throughout Toronto, it is easier to get a “gun” than a job.
WATCH – Resilience Is – featuring the MJKO family in partnership with the City of Toronto
LOSS of $100,000 yearly, will hit us hard!! We need your help NOW!
A year in review – MJKO Annual Report 2017